Saturday, December 29, 2012

More Happy Birthdays ..late.....

Happy Belated Birthday Jack and Connor !

Okay so Jack's is really late (Nov. 5 and Connor's just a few days Dec 24.)

Jack's was late as it was smack dab when I was recovering from surgery and Connor's well I really don't have an excuse as to why I didn't post it on his birthday.  However I know that both of these lovely children will forgive me.

Jack's card was a fun cheery one that just made me smile. I put some cute little cake sprinkles in the plastic cup. I'm sure the first thing going through his mind when he opened the card was hmm.. I wonder if these are 100% natural treats but more importantly how do I get them out.
Sorry my little guy these ones are purely decoration :-(

Connor's card was a little more serious as he turned 13 this year. So I thought I would share with him 10 things I wished for his Birthday. Inside the card there was a pocket with 10 little tabs and on each tab was something special I wished for him.  I'm pretty sure he liked it because I saw him read each of the tabs then he looked up and thanked me. Oooh made my heart melt :-)

Anyhow I won't get into the details of the cards but I do hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Have a wonderful Saturday doing exactly what you want...


                                                                Jack's Birthday Card

Connor's Birthday Card

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