Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy 19th Birthday Courtney!

Well as you can guess by the name of the post Courtney turned 19 today.

Yes, that's right my daughter may now legally have a drink. It is incredible for me to think my baby is 19.  She received some wonderful gifts and indeed many were gift cards to the LCBO.

I joked with her what does she think will be her beverage of choice...I chuckled as she announced it was beer.  A definite "beer"... obviously some drinking before her 19th birthday has occurred :-)

Her boyfriend has taken her out for dinner this evening to a lovely restaurant an hour from here. She looked so pretty when she headed out the door.

Another milestone in her life, and another moment for me to reflect on the joy of being her mother.
(some days... she can be a handful - ooh the joys of teenage daughters ! but don't get me wrong I still love her....)

Today's card was done on a pretty brown glittered cardstock, coupled with a soft rose paper that has inspirational phrases on it.

I used my star circle Spellbinder and topped it off with a Stamping Bella image, added some ribbon, a number 19,  a flower and Volia a card for Courtney !

She loved it and of course the $ inside :-)

Have a wonderful birthday Courtney !

I hope everyone has a terrific evening and that you enjoyed today's card,

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