Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mixed Media Christmas Trees

Finally, I am catching up with some of my posts.

A little while back I promised that I would post the little Christmas tree painting I had started. I was so excited with how it turned that I ended up making a few more as gifts for some special people on my list.

Isn't it adorable ! Unfortunately this photo doesn't really do it justice as the colours are more vibrant.
I made most of them on 6 x 6 deep edge canvases but I also did a couple on 4 x 6 canvases. I think I liked working on the 6 x 6 better. It allowed me make a "fatter" tree which I kinda liked. Regardless they all turned out so pretty.

The only problem was I forgot to make one for myself ! Well... I'll keep that on my crafting to do list. I think next winter I'll do some more only with a different image maybe a snowman or reindeer.

I have another online Christmas painting course I am taking however I haven't completed that one yet. The good thing with this course is there is no expiry date so if I don't get to it this year I can do it at a later time. Yeah !! gotta love online classes !!!

Hope you have a peaceful Sunday,


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