Monday, December 31, 2012

Bye 2012 !

Can you believe it is New Year's Eve -  where has the year gone ?

Well I'm sure many of you are prepped for an evening of partying and celebration, while others are looking forward to snuggling up in your home with perhaps a glass of wine and movie and simply take in the festivities from familiar surroundings.

Whichever your choice I hope you have a wonderful evening.

As we welcome in 2013 I hope that each and everyone of us is able to dig within ourselves to spread a deeper sense of kindness, understanding and compassion to our family, friends and the world as a greater whole.

There is so much to be grateful for that we often overlook or take for granted. We tend to get caught up in the "fancies" of life.  I have nothing against "fancies" it is however like everything else best done in moderation.

I have discovered that "fancies" in excess will not bring me peace.  Peace, happiness and contentment can only be nurtured within our self.. once found it has an absolutely wonderful ability to radiate and give freely to those around us.

So as I embrace 2013 my intent is to make this year better than the last by radiating kindness, understanding and compassion to everyone and everything.

 My wish and hope is that you will too. 

So as not to disappoint those looking for a card I have included a couple of cards that I did using the same stamp set however did them with different colour combinations.
These are masculine themed which I don't do as often as I would would like. However given the ways these turned out I'll be doing more in the future.

Sending you much love, light and happiness for 2013 !


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