Friday, November 23, 2012


First let me start by apologizing for my absence. It wasn't because I didn't want to be here sharing some new ideas. Unfortunately, I was off for some back surgery. All is well and slowly I'm getting back to my creative outlet !!

I'm still not permitted to sit so cards are a little more difficult to work on. Instead I have been doing some painting.  I have shared in the past that I simply love an artist named Christy Tomlinson.
Check her out here

Her passion, artisitic style and kind spirit are so wonderful. The funny part is I have never studied with her in person instead I take her online workshops. It is a fantastic way to study with a gifted artist that I simply would never have been able to before.

I'll share some of the other artists that I study from in another post. I would encourage anyone interested to try some online courses. Some of the instructors have sites where you can upload your work and they will offer constructive feedback!

Anyhow enough rambling and let me share with you my latest mixed media painting called "Believer". The part I love about mixed media is that I can add so many different products and textures - kinda like blending scrapbooking, card making, and painting all into one. Gotta love it !

This painting has paper, modelling paste, paint, brads, and tissue just to name a few things.

Hope you enjoy !

I'm planning to start a whimsical Christmas tree one tomorrow which I will post as soon as its complete :-)


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