Thursday, January 8, 2015

Heap of Challenge !!

Well here it is 2015 ! Incredible I can't believe that we are already into the swing of January. I didn't make any resolutions for this year. I really just want to chip away at things as I can - a year to make the most out of whatever task I decide to tackle.

So....with that in my mind I'm participating in the "Heap of Challenge" challenge over at Funky Junk Interiors. I'm surprised that I am because in many ways I'm a private person about things. However I'm willing to share my messy unfinished basement with everyone purely with the intent of (shaming me in to ) cleaning it up to be used as a work space for me.  I won't be doing any fancy finishing but I will be purging and an overall declutter. In the end I will use the space to chalk paint furniture and build little projects.

So here you go pics of my messy basement ..complete with a Christmas tree that still needs to be taken apart and stored.

Let my shaming begin ......

Yes, its dark because I need to replace the bulb ...

Yep, that's stuff all scattered on the floor

Yep, the air hockey table is covered with wrapping supplies.  

Oh yes that is a weight machine surrounded by the Christmas tree ...perhaps I was trying to hide the weight machine from view ..if I can't see it I don't have to exercise :-)

That buffet and hutch it's a chalk paining project I'd like to work on.....

Yes that is a beautiful church pew from the church I was married in and my daughter baptized ...
good to know it can hold a lot .....

Decorations not put away and oh look a table that I chalk painted but haven't put anywhere  !!!

Well there you go my messy basement in all its glory ...stay tuned each week to see how it gets cleaned up and organized into a useful workspace for me.


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